College Leavers

    Just left college and thinking about the future? You may think University is the only route for you, however that is not the case. Maybe your parents have told you that going to University is the only option, and that you'll fail in life if you don't go...
    But what's the real honest truth – is it worth going to University in our day and age?There's big pressures on our youth to go to University, after all it's the best thing to do... right?

    University now costs more than it ever has, and nowadays experience means more to a lot of potential employers than a degree does. This means that many students finish University and go back to their part-time jobs, as they still don't have the experience to jump straight into their dream job (damn).

    The truth is that to start climbing up the career ladder of your chosen path, you need experience, degree or no degree. Wouldn't you rather skip out on three years of studying, save out on a hell of a lot of debt and stress, by jumping into work straight after college?
    Of course, it all depends on you, if you want to go to University that is awesome too but it is definitely not necessary anymore.

    One of the benefits of getting straight into work after college is of course, money. And who doesn't want or like money? If you can land yourself a great trainee position, you'll be earning money whilst learning at the same time, win win. This way you're gaining key skills in the industry you're passionate about, and earning money instead of paying off student debts and loans.

    As someone who went straight into work after college, I can truly say I have no regrets. I bagged myself a brilliant job at Moriati with no previous recruitment experience, and now having been here for 5 months I am definitely happy I decided to skip the whole Uni thing and go straight into a full-time job! I've received some brilliant hands on training and learnt a hell of a lot, and have been treated exactly the same as someone with a degree would be! I've learnt so much about recruitment and the media industry, and gained skills that would be useful in any career!
    One thing that people assume about students who went to college instead of sixth-form is that they aren't smart, or as hard working because they took a course. No idea why this is still a stereotype as there is absolutely no truth in it, there is no reason that you would be less intelligent because you took a course instead of A-Levels. Just wanted to clear that one up, as its a real misconception that needs to fade away.
    So to sum this long old post up, for some University may be exactly what they want. Somewhere where they can chill out away from mum and dad, socialise, and gain a degree at the end of it. But there are definitely too many pressures on our young people to go to Uni.

    So I just say stop with the pressures,and let our young people do what they want to do!
    All the best,

    Kat Smyk
    Moriati Ad Ops Recruitment Specialist